Afia Schwarzenegger allegedly pregnant with twins

Ghana’s controversial TV personality Afia Schwarzenegger is allegedly pregnant with twins for her husband in the United States.

According to an insider, Afia Schwarzenegger married her new husband all because of papers so she could stay legally in the States and was supposed to pay him $30,000 for the deal.

It continued that, Afia Schwar paid an initial amount of $20,000 promising to pay the balance of $10k at some other time.

Fast forward, the insider claimed Afia Schwarzenegger and her contract husband got high and ended up ‘chopping’ themselves which resulted in her new pregnancy.

The source stated that her husband quested for his balance of $10k but Afia Schwarz insists that she can’t pay him the money because she is now pregnant for him.

Her husband per the source has asked her to terminate the pregnancy but Afia insists she is keeping the pregnancy.

See the message from the insider below:


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