Colleges of Education in Ghana Grading System Explained

Colleges of Education in Ghana follow a standardized grading system to assess students’ academic performance. This system is similar across various Colleges of Education, including those affiliated with the University of Education, Winneba (UEW).

Your final GPA (CPPA) determines what kind of certificate you get from a college. Colleges of Education are not affiliated with one University, so different places may have different names for the certificates. Learn how to figure out your GPA for Colleges of Education here.

Colleges of Education in Ghana Grading System

GradeGrade pointScoreDescription
A4.0100% – 80%Excellent
B+3.579% – 75%Very Good
B3.074% – 70%Good
C+2.569% – 65%Average
C2.064% – 60%Fair
D+1.559% – 55%Barely Satisfactory
D1.054% – 50%Weak Pass
E049% – 0%Fail

Explaining the Table

A letter grade has a number value and a percent range. For instance, an A is 4.0 and means 80% to 100%. To get the CGPA, you take the average of all the number values from all your courses. The CGPA shows how well you did in school and helps you move forward and get a certificate. You need at least 1.00 CGPA to finish a College of Education in Ghana.

How to Calculate your GPA

Step Description Example

  • Note down all marks obtained in the courses. If you took six courses and got 80%, 90%, 75%, 85%, 95%, and 60% respectively.
  • Find the grades, grade values, and credit points, thus credit hours. Use the table below to find the corresponding letter grades, grade points, and credit points for each course. Assume each course has 3 credit hours.
GradeGrade PointScoreDescriptionCredit Point
A4.0100% – 80%Excellent4 x 3 = 12
B+3.579% – 75%Very Good3.5 x 3 = 10.5
B3.074% – 70%Good3 x 3 = 9
C+2.569% – 65%Average2.5 x 3 = 7.5
C2.064% – 60%Fair2 x 3 = 6
D+1.559% – 55%Barely Satisfactory1.5 x 3 = 4.5
D1.054% – 50%Weak Pass1 x 3 = 3
E049% – 0%Fail0 x 3 = 0

Explaining the Table

The table represents different grades, their corresponding grade points, score descriptions, and the product of grade points and credit points for each grade. Here’s how you can calculate the GPA using this information:

  1. Grade Points: Each grade is assigned a grade point. For example, an ‘A’ grade corresponds to 4.0 grade points, a ‘B+’ corresponds to 3.5 grade points, and so on.
  2. Credit Points: Each course is assigned a certain number of credit points. In this case, each course is assigned 3 credit points.
  3. Product of Grade Points and Credit Points: For each grade, you multiply the grade point by the number of credit points. For example, for an ‘A’ grade, you multiply 4.0 (grade point) by 3 (credit points) to get 12. This is done for all grades.
  4. Total Grade Points: Add up all the products from the previous step. This gives you the total grade points.
  5. Total Credit Points: Add up all the credit points. In this case, since each course has 3 credit points, and there are 8 grades, the total credit points would be 3 * 8 = 24.
  6. GPA Calculation: Finally, divide the total grade points by the total credit points to get the GPA.

NOTE: The final GPA you get will determine the class of your certificate. GPAs are calculated every semester from Level 100 to Level 400. After which everything is calculated together to get the CGPA.


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