Steps To Get License From NaSIA To Operate A Private School

Starting from January 2024, the National Schools Inspectorate Authority (NaSIA) will implement the law that requires all private schools to obtain a license and register before they can operate.

The National Schools Inspectorate Authority (NaSIA) is a regulatory body in Ghana that oversees the operation of pre-tertiary educational institutions. If you’re planning to operate a private school in Ghana, obtaining a license from NaSIA is a crucial step.

Here are the steps to get a license from NaSIA to operate a private school:

Step 1: Notice of Intent to Operate (NoI)

The initial step requires the school owner to fill out and submit a Notice of Intent to Operate (NoI) Form. Alongside this form, the essential supporting documents must be provided, and there is a fee associated with this submission.

Step 2: Review of Submitted Documents

Once the Notice of Intent to Operate (NoI) Form and accompanying documents have been submitted, NaSIA will carefully assess these materials. This review process ensures that all essential information has been provided and that the proposed school aligns with the initial requirements established by NaSIA.

Step 3: Compliance Inspection

Upon approval of the submitted documents, NaSIA proceeds with a Compliance Inspection. The purpose of this inspection is to verify that the proposed school adheres to all the essential regulations and standards.

Licensing Categories

It’s important to note that NaSIA has different licensing processes depending on the category of the school:

  • New Schools: These are pre-tertiary schools established after the passage of the Education Regulatory Bodies Act 2020 (Act 1023) on 26th August 2020.
  • Existing Schools: These are pre-tertiary schools established or operating before the passage of the Education Regulatory Bodies Act 2020 (Act 1023) on 26th August 2020.
  • License Renewal: Schools with a license from NaSIA that will expire within the next three (3) months should follow the renewal process.

Follow Link: Licensing Process – NaSIA | National Schools Inspectorate Authority

It’s crucial to adhere to the appropriate process based on your school’s category. Each category—whether it’s a new school, an existing one, or for license renewal—has its specific steps and requirements. By following the correct path, you can successfully obtain a license from NaSIA to operate a private school in Ghana.

By following these steps, you can successfully obtain a license from NaSIA to operate a private school in Ghana. Remember, operating a school without a proper license is against the law, and NaSIA is committed to ensuring quality education for all by regulating and inspecting schools effectively.

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