Top 10 Best Colleges of Education in Ghana

The first batch of bachelor’s degree graduates from various Colleges of Education in Ghana has made their mark with an impressive display of academic excellence. The 2023 graduation ceremony witnessed a competition among these institutions to produce the most first-class honors graduates, reflecting the dedication and commitment of both students and educators.

In this article, we highlight the top 10 Colleges of Education that have achieved outstanding performance in this year’s first-class honors category.

The 10 Best Colleges of Education in Ghana

College of EducationFirst Class Honors GraduatesRank
Offinso College of Education591st
Ola College of Education522nd
Presbyterian College of Education522nd
Ada College of Education353rd
St Louis College of Education334th
St. Francis College of Education325th
Wesley College of Education296th
Foso College of Education247th
Abetifi Presbyterian College of Education228th
Wiawso College of Education228th

Also, one of the factors that contributed to this achievement was the adherence to the four curriculum components in the Colleges of Education, which include Teaching and Learning of Student Teachers, Assessment of Student Teachers, Tutor’s Professional Development, and Preparation for, and Student Teachers’ Experience of STS.

According to the FOI report, Enchi College of Education scored the highest in this regard, with 83.3% percentage adherence.

The Seven Most Performing Colleges of Education (COE)

College of EducatoinPercentage to Adherence
Enchi College of Education83.3%
Foso College of Education75.0%
St. Teresa’s College of Education75.0%
Tamale College of Education75.0%
Methodist College of Education, Akim Oda70.8%
SDA College of Education, Asokkore70.8%
St. Joseph College of Education, Bechem70.8%

The FOI report also examined leadership approachesteacher incentivesquality control, and the availability and accessibility of infrastructure and resources to facilitate curriculum implementation. The report used case studies to offer targeted assistance to colleges, aiming to enhance their curriculum execution.

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